How does It impact to our society?

“The kill rate in humans infected with Ebola Zaire is 9 out of 10.  Ninety percent of the people who come down with Ebola Zaire die of it.  Ebola Zaire is a slate wiper in humans” (Preston 38). With these words, Richard Preston in his book The Hot Zone begins to raise real and serious questions about the nature of infectious diseases in society today. In the book, these highly infectious viruses sweep through Africa with a horrifying and devastating range of effects, killing 50% to 90% of their victims. The filoviruses did not remain in the rain forest of central Africa; they also appeared on the other side of the world in the Reston Primate Quarantine Unit in Reston, Virginia.  If There were to be another outbreak in North America, the results would be unspeakable. Aside from this, there are no specific treatment that has been proven effective, and no vaccine currently exists for these type of deadly viruses. But a vaccine, however, is in the developmental stages. With this said, Ebola is known to exist in humans and a few monkey species can be infected. Therefore, too develop the vaccine, monkeys are used but it can not be tested on humans except in outbreak environments so the vaccine must be tested extensively and meet strict government regulations. Also, in the development of a vaccine, accessibility and cost for people of poor nations and the transportation efficiency of it must be considered..